Friday, February 10, 2017

East Middle School raises $2000

Cash donations now top $100K

Give it up for EMS!

East Middle School donates $2,000 on Feb. 10 

to the production of "No Greater Love."

East Middle School Principal Larry Driscoll, center,
join No Greater Love President Jerry Sullivan
 and Treasurer Mary McMahon with an oversized

$2000 check from fundraising efforts by the students. 

1 comment:

  1. This is simply remarkable. That Middle School students would make this huge effort to help commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Granite Mountain/Speculator mine fire is a testament to Butte and a demonstration of some sort of inherited gene that demands that we do the right thing when the right thing must be done. Congrats East Middle School. Thank you to the teachers and to Principal Larry Driscoll for taking the lead on this.
